Time was when if you wanted a calendar the sensible time to buy was just before the new year. So if you discovered a need for a calendar half way through the year, you'd be buying something that was twice as expensive as it needed to be or half useless. Not now. With fotosaurus you have access to dynamic 12 month calendars, available in portrait and landscape A4 and A3. Commence with a month of your choice. You could even think ahead and get a calendar personalised ready for next year. Or start on the month of a special occasion like an anniversary or birthday. New baby? wedding? holidays? Just you! Upload photos from your PC or Facebook and have fun with our design tools and assortment of backgrounds. Create your own perfect personalised present with fotosaurus. The recipient will be over the moon. "How did you do that?!" they will exclaim. With fotosaurus. Bringing memories back to life.
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