Thursday, 20 November 2014

Getting married next year? Here's a ready made 12 month wedding plan!

12 months to go...

  • Have the budget conversation with your fiancĂ© and your parents
  • Fix a date and time
  • Decide on guest numbers
  • Visit reception venues and book one as soon as possible
  • Buy wedding insurance

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

All the gear and no idea? Are you capturing the wow factor in your photographs?

See this terrific article from Picture Correct

It was the first paragraph that grabbed my attention 

"With cameras and digital formats and gizmos being “smarter,” are we all now professionals behind the fancy new digital cameras? The truth of the matter is that just because we have a fancy camera does n’t mean we can shoot like the professionals. Yes, more and more cameras are getting smarter. And yes, more people are shooting more images, and a lot are going into post-processing software with some pretty amazing results. However ..."