Wednesday, 20 August 2014

A Stunning Landscape Photograph


Crazy Photo Shop Images

I am an amateur photographer interesting in casual snapping.  That doesn't mean I don't try to take great pics and my trusty Canon  EOS 60d DSLR does me proud. It also takes credit for some of my better pics when friends will view my photo's and comment "that's a fantastic camera you have there". Sounds familiar?  Hmmm.. it didn't fix the composition, choose the lens and select the aperture or shutter speed for me.  Never mind.  as long as its a great pic. And some of my favourite pics have been captured on my IPhone. With one of those apps that allows manual over-riding of exposure and focus. An essential but simple creative tool. 

Talking about creative tools.  Photoshop. everyone's heard of it. Do you use it?  Do you know what it can do? If not and you are considering entering the world of Photoshop here's a video tutorial for beginners I came across which might help you decide whether or not its for you. Please click to see it.

To see what photoshop can do, I typed "crazy photoshop images" into a google and got this lot!   
And as always.  Have a snappy day.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Congratulations to the Bride and Groom!

Irongate Group Internal Account Executive Sadie Arscott became Sadie Taylor when she married the man of her dreams, Dan, on Saturday 16 August at Shottle Hall, Derbyshire's premier wedding venue. Dan is Finance Director at North Midland Construction.

Photographs courtesy of our very own Studio Manager, Bernard Gillespie.

Psssst ... Sadie, you know where to come for your fabulous high-quality photo book.  Fotosaurus go's live this autumn.

Monday, 18 August 2014

My daughter loves to dance @chuchutv

Jolly Kids! Happy Parents! Mums and Dads have you discovered Chu Chu TV?

ChuChuTV is designed to engage children through a series of upbeat songs and colourful animations. All our songs will have lots of ChuChu characters and these characters will entertain kids all over the world.

What do you know about …

Please click WI Life to find out more
The WI

The Women's Institute (WI) was formed in 1915 to revitalise rural communities and encourage women to become more involved in producing food during the First World War. Since then the organisation's aims have broadened and the WI is now the largest voluntary women's organisation in the UK. The WI will celebrate its centenary in 2015 and currently has 212,000 members in around 6,600 WIs.

The WI plays a unique role in providing women with educational opportunities and the chance to build new skills, to take part in a wide variety of activities and to campaign on issues that matter to them and their communities. 

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Straight Talking Brit's

SEVERAL international websites have been sharing phrases which British people say - and what they actually mean. 2014.

Can you think of any other phrases like these to add to the list? Have your say in our comments box, below.
1) "I might join you later." - translation: "I'm not leaving the house today unless it's on fire."
2) "Not to worry." - translation: "I will never forget this."
3) "Bit wet out there." - translation: "You're going to need a snorkel because it's absolutely peeing it down."
4) "Right then, I suppose I really should start thinking about making a move." - translation: "Bye."
5) "A bit of a pickle." - translation: "A catastrophically bad situation with potentially fatal consequences."
6) "Not too bad, actually." - translation: "Probably the happiest I've ever been."
7) "You've caught the sun." - translation: "You look like you've been swimming in a volcano."
8) "I have the 5p if that helps?" - and never quite being sure if it helps.
9) "If you say so." - translation: "I'm afraid what you're saying is the height of idiocy."
10) "With all due respect." - translation: "You have no idea what you are talking about."
11) "Each to their own." - translation: "You are wrong but never mind."
12) "I'm just popping out for lunch, anyone what anything?" - translation: "I'm getting my own lunch now, please stay silent."
13) "No, no, it was my fault." - translation: "It was definitely your fault and we both know it."
14) "Yeah, that's very interesting." - translation: "You are boring me to death."
15) "Sorry, I think you might have dropped something." - translation: "You have definitely dropped that specific item."

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