Thursday, 27 February 2014

Pterodactyls did not exist

"Pterodactlyus" did.  They were no bigger than birds. The fotosaurus logo is, like pterodactylus, a pterosaur, specifically a pteranodon but it had a 30 foot wingspan, so I thought I’d share some trivia about this amazing creature.  
Pterosaurs were warm-blooded flying reptiles of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, with membranous wings supported by a greatly lengthened fourth finger, and probably covered with fur.
An X-ray study of pterosaur brain cavities revealed that the animals had massive floccule. The flocculus is a brain region that integrates signals from joints, muscles, skin and balance organs.
The pterosaurs' flocculi occupied 7.5% of the animals' total brain mass, more than in any other vertebrate. Birds have unusually large flocculi compared with other animals, but these only occupy between 1 and 2% of total brain mass.
The flocculus sends out neural signals that produce small, automatic movements in the eye muscles. These keep the image on an animal's retina steady. Pterosaurs may have had such a large flocculus because of their large wing size, which would mean that there was a great deal more sensory information to process.
An interesting link as fotosaurus similarly will have a great deal of information to process for you as it brings your memories back to life.
Right that's cleared that up.  fotosaurus is a pteranodon gearing up to bring your memories back to life.  

click pic for original art by Hitoshiariga

Wednesday, 26 February 2014


Here's an awesome blog on all things matrimonial.  Just click to go see.

Look at this - Digital Photography School

This new blog is all about sharing and it will take me a while to build up some momentum and make it a resource you'll want to keep an eye on and dip into now and again. It's not going to change your life, but I'll be scouring the web for interesting stuff and posting links. And other stuff.  There are many great blogs and web-sites out there on the inter-web and if I can find and sign post you to some you might find useful it'll be mission accomplished. 

Here is a magnificent Digital Photography School across the pond. After all An aperture's an aperture wherever you are, in the garden, up a mountain, in your shorts or at a wedding.

To help you catch up on some of their posts DSP have put together a number of compilation pages: 

Friday, 21 February 2014

Want to take better holiday photographs?

Then why not  take a Photographic Holiday?

We all like to take snaps when we're on holiday, but there are opportunities for enthusiasts to make photography a much bigger part of the vacation experience. 

See Italy, France, Spain, Morocco or Costa Rica through a lens and seek out the quirky, the rare, the ultimate escape and the inspiration for a photography holiday that will last a lifetime. Learn how to become the photographer you always wanted to be and take home the photos you really want people to see.

No, not with a camera phone!

Monday, 17 February 2014

Amateur Photographers, are you looking for inspiration?

We're not bloging to sell you stuff. The blog is here to provide you with information and share interesting bits and pieces that we discover while going about our business. If you follow this blog, or if you prefer, the fotosaurus Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube and/or Pinterest posts, you'll perhaps find a few short cuts and go to places new!    

If you'd like to help us grow our blog, why not be part of the fotosaurus experience and contribute a guest post? It could be a camera review, some photo hints on tips, or even your own photographs.  If you have any videos to share we could feature them on our new Youtube channel. Contact us at

Now, lets get back to this post which is about Pinterest.

So, have you discovered Pinterest yet?
Fotosaurus is building up a collection of Pintererst boards which we hope will inspire you and help you get the most out of your camera. Extract from Wikipedia: Pinterest is a visual discovery tool that people use to collect ideas for their different projects and interests. People create and share collections (called “boards”) of visual bookmarks (called “Pins”) that they use to do things like plan trips and projects, organize events or save articles and recipes. The site was founded by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp. It is managed by Cold Brew Labs and funded by a small group of entrepreneurs and investors.[3]